
The Griffin overseer group for Hawken's senior project 2010 will be blogging about their experiences on project. From NASA to New York fashion, from cooking to conducting, we'll hear about what these thirteen talented Hawken seniors are up to.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Hi everyone! 

Some good news at last! This past week, things have really been going a lot better. I was able to sort out the coffeehouse scheduling issue actually quite easily. Instead of having one of us move our event or change the time and date, I decided to combine them. 
I hope it turns out as well as I'm imagining. 
Back in the winter when I was first thinking about this project, I envisioned an event that wasn't a formal 'recital' but instead a very cozy, relaxed, comfy environment where there's no pressure and it's more intimate than the typical recital. What I had originally planned was to have sort of 'guest artists' in that, it wouldn't just be me singing at people for half an hour, and that's just not what I want to do. It could be boring and plus I'd probably be SUPER nervous. 
So as my project progressed, I realized that it was a little bit of a squeeze time-wise to have a bunch of other people perform with me, just as far as getting together to rehearse etc.... So I sort of abandoned that idea. 
Then when this coffeehouse thing arose, I thought it might be the perfect way to relax the atmosphere of my recital as well as maximize attendance. Plus, now when I have nightmares about being on stage alone crooning to an audience wielding various rotting fruits and veggies, I can remind myself that it's just a regular coffeehouse, with a little more Adrienne than usual. 
The idea is, depending on the number of people who show up wanting to perform, I'll sing then someone else will sing etc... Regardless, most of my pieces will be done within the first hour or so (I've got some family friends coming who have politely said that they have little interest in staying the whole time). 
Anyway, as far as rehearsal goes, las week and this week I've finally started to feel secure with my repertoire. I've been getting a lot more into the songs I'm singing and feeling a lot more confident. 
It's really starting to come together and, really, I couldn't be happier. 

The show is this Friday at 7. Hope to see you there:)


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