
The Griffin overseer group for Hawken's senior project 2010 will be blogging about their experiences on project. From NASA to New York fashion, from cooking to conducting, we'll hear about what these thirteen talented Hawken seniors are up to.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cleveland Yoga- Week 3

This has been a very very busy week for me!I taught two classes at my house this week which was sooo exciting!!! I hosted them in my backyard and they only had five people but it was really good experience. Also, a girl who graduated teacher training with me and is a Junior at Orange has decided to teach a series of classes with me this summer. I have finally made it around to taking every teacher's class at cleveland yoga which is soo great because I have discovered different teaching styles and frameworks that I have enjoyed but never would have tried on my own.

I have been really struggeling with the cleanse and being vegan. It is SOO something I want to do--but wanting to do it and actually doing are two very different things. I am trying a new approach: baby steps. I will start by only eating dairy/eggs in my house- that way I can control where I am getting them from. Hopefully I can find the willpower to stick with it!!!

Today the senior project girls drove to Ursaline to take pictures of us in different poses. They have a beautiful garden called the labryinth and we took the pictures in the center of it. I will use them in my final presentation.

See you all soon!!!

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