
The Griffin overseer group for Hawken's senior project 2010 will be blogging about their experiences on project. From NASA to New York fashion, from cooking to conducting, we'll hear about what these thirteen talented Hawken seniors are up to.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Parflex Division 2

Second week into my project; hasn’t gotten anymore exciting than the first. I finished my PowerPoint on Harness 503 and all I have left to do is to check it over with the engineers and factory workers, which I will do Thursday. Since I finished earlier than they expected, they are giving me another harness to work on. This harness is a lot smaller and only has 4-5 tubes in it and takes 5 minutes to make (Harness 503 had about 33 tubes and took 45 minutes to an hour to make).
Probably the most exciting thing about this project is my laptop. They are testing out windows 7 at the office and they have about 3 prototypes. They allowed me to use one of them. It’s very small and very useful. I usually carry it with me to the factory and lay it next to the table and work on the harness.
The factory workers couldn’t be nicer. They are very helpful and enjoy my company. They all believe that I’m going to be their boss four years in the future (but they don’t know that I wouldn’t work there if my life depended on it). I once had Cavs tickets and had an extra one and everyone wanted to go. They offered me food, drinks, even money. I didn’t end up taking any of them. They didn’t mind afterward since it was an awful game (sorry Jake). They are die heart Cavs fans, which was cool until we lost. They haven’t mentioned them since.
For the past 3 days, I haven’t touched a harness. I’ve been mostly in my cube working on my PowerPoint. When I finished last week, I had absolutely nothing to do. My sponsor was out so I couldn’t ask what to do. So I just sat there for the last hour of the day, which wasn’t fun.
Sadly the best part of the day is lunch break. I drive out to the near by Sheetz gas station and eat my packet lunch in my car. I listen to music and text Myles mostly (I have no service at Parflex so no one can contact me). This senior project has its moments, but they don’t come frequently enough. I’m counting down the days until June 2.

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