
The Griffin overseer group for Hawken's senior project 2010 will be blogging about their experiences on project. From NASA to New York fashion, from cooking to conducting, we'll hear about what these thirteen talented Hawken seniors are up to.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cooking- Week 2

This was a big week for us. Our knowledge of basic skills is really starting to show. After the first week and up through this week we have really been practicing our knife skills a lot and they are now almost second nature. There is a huge difference between this past week and the first week as far as the kind of questions we ask and help we seek from our sponsor. The first week we would double check a lot of things with our sponsor before we did them, but this week we are cooking with more confidence and skill. The second week we asked our sponsor to take more of a role of an onlooker as we wanted to see if the skills we learned the first week could translate to us making meals without much assistance. The results were very pleasing. We made several dishes that we can confidentially say we could remake by our selves. We're beginning to see project pay off! we prepared a couple different types of meat this week and worked with may vegetables and spices to enhance the taste of the chicken and steaks. We have continued our work of planning for the benefit dinner which is approaching rapidly. We have made a plan for the 3rd week, which will consist of experimenting with deserts and other dishes to try to perfect our menu for the dinner. Flipping through books of recipes and marking down everything we want make is making us sad that project is already half finished and we wish that project could go a couple more weeks. Overall the three of us are really satisfied with our improvement thus far and look forward to the next two weeks as our skills in the kitchen grow exponentially each day.

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