
The Griffin overseer group for Hawken's senior project 2010 will be blogging about their experiences on project. From NASA to New York fashion, from cooking to conducting, we'll hear about what these thirteen talented Hawken seniors are up to.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cooking week 2

Cooking this week was much different than it was during the first week mainly because we were mostly on our own, without much help from our sponsor. Last week whenever we were confused about a recipe, we were able to ask our sponsor and get her take as to what the directions exactly mean. A lot of the time she wasn't a hundred percent sure as to what it meant either, however she taught us how to guess and how to sort of go with what you believe it means even if you are not completely sure. This week we were able to experience this on our own while cooking dishes such as chicken quesadillas, Pico de Gallo, paninni sandwiches and many different breakfast foods as well.
The quesadillas turned out very well and this was a good dish to cook because it required the skills that we had learned during the first week such as cutting and preparing chicken. The paninni sandwiches also came out wonderful and the good thing about making this dish is that we didn't necessarily have to follow a certain recipe, but rather we could put whatever we wanted and however much of something we wanted in our sandwiches.
During this week, we also experienced our first failure. On Thursday we decided to make crapes and we had a good recipe on how to make them. However while we were cooking them, we weren't exactly sure how much batter to put in the pan and the first few attempts didn't turn out very well. They came out to thin and they began to rip in half and pieces of the crapes kept sticking to the pan. We were eventually able to get a couple decent ones out after trying different ideas, but even though they didn't turn out as good as we would have liked, i believe that this experience served us well as we continue to develop skills that will help us learn how to cook on our own.

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