
The Griffin overseer group for Hawken's senior project 2010 will be blogging about their experiences on project. From NASA to New York fashion, from cooking to conducting, we'll hear about what these thirteen talented Hawken seniors are up to.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Week 3 - Acting & Expect Respect

Last week wasn't too bad but as I head into this week and next week I am on stress overload. I am overbooked beyond belief and there is nothing I can do about it. One part of my senior project is at school which goes on from 8 to 3 and then the other part is in the office with Dahlia who is usually only in the office from about 12 to 6 depending on what meetings she has that day and such. Both things are going on at the same time and it is to the point where in order to get everything done I am literally driving back and forth between JFSA and Hawken multiple times a day.

It's the week of the show and I am trying to get everything figured out with Mr. L so that hopefully we can put together a complete and finished show on Thursday. We're cramming to get the lights, costumes and sounds figured out and the students aren't being any help. Most of them are forgetting everything they are supposed to do and they currently don't seem too worried about the fact that the show is in three days.
At Expect Respect, we are trying to finalize a million things. We just had our last meeting of the year yesterday so I planned that out last week so now I'm behind on some other Expect Respect projects. This morning I had a meeting with some other ER members to figure out some details and then I rushed to get back here but didn't make it to class to help work on stuff for the show. Now I'm writing this in my 10 minutes of free time before I meet with Mr. L to work on the show and then rush over to JFSA to work with Dahlia who is now throwing a ton at me because its crunch time.

I'm needed at two places at once constantly. After I'm done every day I basically have time to eat dinner and get my work out for college in or go to my soccer practice and then I'm prepping for the next day. Even on the weekends I don't have time to breathe between playing soccer and catching up on my college workout site that I'm supposed to fill out everyday. Next week is going to be even worse adding the end of project and all the senior festivities and our Cabaret show for Musical theatre performance class, oh and my birthday which I officially found out today that I will be running around from 8 am until 9 pm that day so I won't even get to rest then.

I understood that I wasn't allowed to be working only on campus for my senior project but now with how stressed out I am and how much I'm losing it I'm understanding less and less. My goal is to get through these next two weeks alive and hopefully have a moment to rest and to not regret these amazing opportunities I've had during it but have not had time to enjoy.

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