
The Griffin overseer group for Hawken's senior project 2010 will be blogging about their experiences on project. From NASA to New York fashion, from cooking to conducting, we'll hear about what these thirteen talented Hawken seniors are up to.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hi Everyone! 

So far, several things with my project have gone terribly wrong. From miscommunications concerning the date of the recital, to not being able to get the materials that I need, to my accompanist being busy on the date that I chose, to having other school events be surprise-scheduled for the same date and time as my recital. I've had it all. And it's been sort of stressful, but it's also been sort of exciting. In an adventurous sort of way. Having all of these mishaps and being forced to deal with them (seeing as I can't postpone or cancel my recital, that is, if I want to graduate) has sort of given me a little perspective on the choices I've made that have led to the disasters. 
I've been thinking a lot about the first couple weeks of project and the decisions and plans that I made, and what I could have done differently to save myself the anxiety later. If I could go back, I would have taken care of all of the simple but important things early on, even in the weeks leading up to May. It probably would have been a good idea to nail down the date and my repertoire before hand, that way I might have been able to skip the scheduling conflicts and gotten the word out earlier so nobody scheduled a coffeehouse for the same night:) 
Regardless, I'm just trying now to enjoy myself. I'm rehearsing a bunch, singing all the time. And I'm trying to take solace in the fact that, two weeks from now it will all be done with and I'll be graduating! 

Good luck! 


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