
The Griffin overseer group for Hawken's senior project 2010 will be blogging about their experiences on project. From NASA to New York fashion, from cooking to conducting, we'll hear about what these thirteen talented Hawken seniors are up to.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Teaching Music to Children (Evan S)

For my project, I've been going to my old school, Ruffing Montessori, every day and have been an assistant to the music teachers. There are classes all throughout the school day, so I'm kept busy all the time.

Each grade is divided into separate classrooms, so generally there is one grade from one class having class at a time, unless the classes are small. If they are small, then they are combined with another class of the same grade. While there are different music classes for the different classes of grades (confusing, I know), each grade has been learning about the same thing.

Kindergarten: Last week there was a guest cellist from The Cleveland Orchestra who came to teach the children about the cello. He did this by playing different songs about animals such as "The Swan" and "Flight of the Bumblebee" to show how the cello can produce many different sounds. This week the kindergartners played circle games in which they had to keep the beat to a song while singing it. It was challenging for them not to tap on every word that was sung.

1st-3rd: The first through third graders put on productions of "Peter Rabbit." They did this by acting out the story as it was told by one of the music teachers and one of my sponsors, Jennie, and sang songs while playing simple patterns on Orff instruments (they're like xylophones).

The fourth grade chorus has been practicing their songs for the Spring Concert which is coming up this Wednesday. I have been accompanying one of their songs on the piano.

The fifth grade has been preparing a song about locomotives for the Spring Concert. I have worked over a few days with a select group of fifth graders to construct and paint a cardboard locomotive engine in which one child can "ride" around during the song. It's been a long process, but finally we finished painting today and I'm really impressed with the result. The group that has been working on it is SO focused and they work extremely well with each other.

The sixth graders have been on a trip to Williamsburg, so I haven't worked with them yet.

The seventh graders, in addition to those who are in the middle school choir, have worked on their Orff piece which is centered around Vivaldi's "Spring." They have created a medley of pieces that sound like and represent "Spring-like" things such as birds, flowery meadows, and bagpipes. They play through all of the pieces with the Vivaldi "Spring" theme appearing twice in the line up.

The eighth graders have been studying the Blues and Motown. They have composed some pieces to play on the Orff instruments that go along with the theme of Elvis' "Hound Dog."

I've been helping the students with their respective activities when needed. I've also begun to teach song games to the younger children. I enjoy getting involved and seeing what each of them has to share.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this sounds like a lot of fun, Evan! It must be an awesome experience to be able to work with all ages of grade school children in musical/performing arts, and to enjoy a performance by a Cleveland Orchestra cellist as well :)
