
The Griffin overseer group for Hawken's senior project 2010 will be blogging about their experiences on project. From NASA to New York fashion, from cooking to conducting, we'll hear about what these thirteen talented Hawken seniors are up to.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Parflex Division 3

Sorry this is late again.
So I am done with my PowerPoint for harness #503. My sponsor checked it over and he said I am ready to present. All I have to do now is prepare my presentation, make some editorial changes on my PowerPoint, and have my sponsor sign my final papers.

This week was basically the same as usual. I worked at my desk most of the time, trying to make my PowerPoint a masterpiece. I would sometimes go back into the factory and check out a few things. One thing that was different this week is that I had one of the factory workers build the harness by following my PowerPoint directions. She gave me some great help by saying what is helpful and what can removed or replaced. It made me realize that I probably should have done this more often than just once.

Mr. Harris came in today for about 45 minutes. I gave him a little summary about what I've been doing and showed him the factory and built a little bit of the harness in front of him. He was shocked about how complicated the harness looked as a finished project. It isn't really all that complicated if you break it down into step-by-step format. IT just looks a little intimidating. He enjoyed how I've been working hard and the fact that what I'm doing is helpful to the company and will be used after I leave. He said that's a rare case for senior projects, which is nice to hear. I plan on putting some pictures up for our final post. Until next time =)

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